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Designed by......................

Have you ever just taken a moment and wondered why the sky is blue, why clouds are white, or why the grass is green? As I have more intimate time with God, I find myself asking him these questions. He simply told me that the reason why is because it made sense to him to make them those colors, that it’s a good contrast. I thought to myself that only a skillful artist would strategically pick the right colors to make everything look so beautiful. Now I spend more time admiring his work. I recently visited Mackinac island with my family and watched as the sun set and as the sun rose. After seeing the sun peek over and set on the water, I was so pleased with his masterpiece. I woke up to spend some time with him as I watched the sunrise and I began to think, God is the ultimate creator — he isn’t just an artist that chose the right color for the sky. He created everything! The seagulls flying near the rocks of the shore, the trees, and even me! I am a masterpiece! You are a masterpiece! He took his excellent artistry skills! after making all the beautiful scenery for us to see! and created this beautiful thing called humankind. The Bible says “Then the Lord God, formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.“ ( Genesis 2:7) He spent days creating all of the beautiful landscapes of the earth and then took dust and made something as attractive as a man. Then took the man’s rib and created something as beautiful as a woman. That is something that no artist can compare to.

Everything and everyone was designed by the most famous Artist....GOD.

Sunrise on Lake Michigan

Sunset on Lake Michigan

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