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This is what it has come to!!

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

I haven't posted in about a week because I really have been trying to process everything that's going on in our world today. The recent murder of George Floyd sparked the racial injustice that has been lingering in this world for decades. My heart is so heavy! I have Black uncles, Black cousins, Black men in my life. I have three little black brothers who have to grow up in this world. Seeing and hearing the story of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless other men and women who have lost there lives due to the color of their skin makes me emotional. Seeing different riots, looting, and protesting around the world made me see that the world is really responding. I took a bike ride to downtown Detroit, and as I was riding I saw a line of police vehicles. There was a S.W.A.T truck in the front followed by multiple police cars with barricades and a truck with a trailer with horses in it. This is what it’s come to!!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it's like they were going to war! Then as I prayed to God about how worried, I was he began to speak to me. This world is at war — not with the flesh — but with evil rulers of the unseen world (Ephesians 6:12). So this is not a battle with the people in this world who are prejudiced and unjust, but with their evil spirits. So, we need to pray for those people. "But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! (Matthew 5: 44)" This may be something hard to do considering Black people are being killed for no good reason but, God really showed me that we need to get in prayer. We as Christians are the examples for people. "You are the light of the world, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead a lamp is put on a lamp stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house (Matthew 5:13-14)." So let’s be the light in this dark world and pray for our enemies! Peacefully protesting, and going out to spread the word and help people (re)turn to Christ!

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