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Enjoying Singleness

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

I use to love coming up with fun, romantic, and cute, date ideas when I was dating. Now since I'm single, I feel like I don't have anyone to share that with anymore or do that for. Just because I'm single doesn't mean I can’t still do those things. I now have a new perspective on that and I get excited to spend time with God. I now find creative ways to spend time with him and try not to have distractions. Today I went to the park and had a picnic. I packed snacks, food, water, books, and my bible. I laid out a blanket and pillow and spent time meditating on his word. I even wrote a little something he told me to write and painted something. For those of you who are single I want to encourage you to find fun ways to spend time with God. Look at this as a season for you to just focus on God and get closer to him. You don't have to concern yourself with a relationship and the challenges it might bring. " An unmarried women or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the lord in both body and spirit. But a married women is concerned about the affairs of this world- How she can please her husband. (1 Corinthians 7:34)" I'm not saying relationships are bad and that you should never get in one but wait on God and Enjoy Singleness.

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