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You Quit, Now What ?

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

If you have watched my recent YouTube video or follow me on any social media.... you know that I just quit my job after 1 month. You may be thinking is this women crazy, right? Well I thought it was a crazy idea myself and it was so hard for me to make the decision. However it wasn’t my idea. This was an act of faith!

Now faith can be a tricky thing, you can have faith that your going to get healed but no faith that the amount in your bank account will change. I found this to be true after God humbled me through many different experiences in my life. Having this understanding really led me to figure out what faith really was and what did that look like in my life. The bible says “faith is confidence in what you hope for and the assurance about what we do not see.(Hebrews 11:1)” One thing I’m certain about is that I do not know 100 percent what God has in store for me. I do know 100 percent that I want to make decisions based on what God is leading me to do in the current season of my life and that these decisions are purpose driven. When I say purpose driven I mean that I make choices based on what God has called me to do here on earth.

Now don’t get me wrong it has not always been easy for me to have faith and make decisions based on my purpose. Actually, it still isn’t easy. I have to keep reminding myself of Gods promises to me and what his word says. Naturally, I always want to plan things out and make a list of goals to check off. If I’m not meeting those goals I feel like I’m not successful and I don’t give up until I complete my goal. This is exactly what happened when I landed a job I always wanted. It was at the top of my list. When I got the job I was so excited but things quickly seemed as if I didn’t need to be there after starting. I felt anxious and sick to my stomach everyday I went into work. I kept praying asking God to show me what I was supposed to be doing. God revealed to me that I needed to stop trying to control things and let him lead. I had to be comfortable with erasing things on my list for what he planned for me. So, after 1 month I quit my job. It wasn’t an easy choice because I’m still not sure what God has in store but I knew he wanted me to quit. I’m not saying you have to quit your job because this is Gods specific plan for me, yours might be to work a full time job. God knows all his children so well that he knows what we need. He knows what’s ahead of you and behind you so when he tells you what and how to do something , I learned that it’s best to listen.

I did receive opportunities soon as I quit and I will be starting 2 part-time jobs next week.Who knows what will happen and I still don’t know why these opportunities were not in my hometown. My ideal plan is to have a nice full time job with benefits right at home. But I’m living in a city an hour from home working two part-time jobs. That’s not something that I would say I’m thrilled about but I have faith in Gods plan. I now have more time to write and do everything else God has put on my heart to do in this season.

My resignation Letter

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