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Expected Delivery Date

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

During the quarantine, I spent so much time online shopping. I usually don’t shop online, but with most stores being closed I spent a lot of time browsing. One thing I learned is that the expected delivery date may not always be correct. There might be a delay and that date gets pushed back or it may come earlier than expected. One time I even purchased two orders of the same purse by accident! I immediately called customer service to cancel the second order, but they told me that it was too late. They told me that they could put in a request for the second order to be taken off but it wasn't a guarantee. Frustrated, I made up my mind that I wasn't going to be able to return the second purchase. I decided to just give the other one to my sister.

Despite the hiccup, I was so excited to get it! The anticipation built up more and more every time I checked the tracking number. Eventually I received an expected delivery date and I couldn't wait to get home from work and get it. I got home that day and NO package! I was so annoyed! I received a call the next day saying that they sent a return label for the second purchase. I was so ready for it that I wasn't being patient. If I had just been patient, I would have been able to get my money back for the second one. I took the matter into my own hands and decided to give it to my sister before the package even came.

How many times do you expect for something you prayed for to come by a certain date? While all along God is working it all out for you to recieve it at the right time, in the right condition, and just how you need it. Just like my package, I asummed it wouldn't work out and I expected it on that date but it was delayed because the request was being processed. So I want to encourage you today to be patient if there is a delay in what you’re praying for, because God's timing is always there right when you need it.

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