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Updated: Sep 18, 2020

This week was my coworkers last week. I was sad to see her go but excited to get to know her replacement. As I returned to work, I was responsible for training the new employee. I walked her around and started to show her the ropes. I started to think to myself, I’ve become so much more confident. If that were me a few months ago I wouldn’t even want to talk to the new employee and I definitely wouldnt have been able to effectively train her. So let’s take a trip down memory lane to explain to you how I lacked confidence a few months ago.

A few months ago, I did not want to interact with people much because I wasn’t confident. I would have a little small talk but when they started to ask more questions I started to become nervous that they wouldn’t agree with what I was saying and look at me negatively. I would avoid certain topics and spend so much time evaluating what I said and how I said it. I wanted to look a certain way to people and wanted to make sure I was saying the right thing. As I started to get closer to God I began to care less and less what people thought and care only about what he thought of me. Since I started caring about his view of me I started to do what he wanted me to do. He led me to start a Youtube channel where I discuss my faith journey and my personal life. He led me to start this blog, and even start modeling for my own brand I launched, this all took much more confidence then I thought I had!

I didn’t just have confidence to step out boldly and do what God called me to do but I started to have Godfidence! Yes I made that word up. Godfidence is not just any regular confidence, it’s when you walk into a room and it’s just something about you. People may or may not know why you shine so bright or why your so joyful but after talking to you they feel joyful too and they feel loved, That’s Godfidence! You stop caring about what people think and become so transparent that all people see is Gods light shinning in you. You are able to be confident with what whatever you do because you become so content with who God created you to be because you know that he made you in his image.

I use to have confidence in my makeup, clothes, and hair. The problem is when my make up wasn’t done, hair wasn’t cute, or clothes didn’t look right I wasnt confident. But now my confidence is in God. The Bible says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid ; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.(Jousha 1:9). So no matter what, I have God with me so I can be confident in him. Whether I’m training a new employee, typing a blog post, or just talking to someone I can walk in Godfidence!

You can purchase a glow and grow shirt for pre-order by clicking the shop tab at the top of this site. All proceeds go towards planting beautifully enhancements. Visit the about tab to learn more about the mission.

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