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Life's Puzzle

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

I started a puzzle some months ago while I was at work because I was bored. I started to work on it and I would stop often. I got a good portion of it done, then I just left it sitting on the table. My co-worker told me that he wasn't trying to compete with me but he was starting one too. And as mine still sat there, he completed his! I told him that it wasn't fair because he wasn't taking classes at the same time so he had more time on his hands. I revisited the puzzle a few more times but I eventually left it alone. It came with a picture of the completed puzzle for you to use as a guide and I stared at that thing so long trying to figure out which pieces fit where.

Imagine if your life was the puzzle. God has the picture already complete, and that's how he sees our life. But all we see are the millions of pieces. All we see is the hurt, pain, trials and tribulations we've been through and we try to figure out how to put the pieces together. We try to find ways to make the pieces into something beautiful. Then you compare your puzzle to someone else puzzle because it seems like theirs is completed. You hold onto that box of puzzle pieces and let that distract you from seeking the plan God has for you. So recently I cleaned up that puzzle and put all the pieces away. I want to encourage you to put your pieces away. Submit everything to God so that he has a clean slate to be able to piece the puzzle together for you. His plan is the best and most beautiful plan for you. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” ( Proverbs 3:5-6)

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