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Fun Ways to get your word Daily

I love to create things and start new projects. So one of the ways I try to learn my word is by using this Scripture Box I made.

I took a tissue box painted and decorated it and filled it with colorful strips of paper. I wrote on each sheet scriptures I could memorize that helped me with a specific area. I pull one out and focus on it for a week and put it back because repetition is key. I know there’s apps that send daily scriptures but I honestly would just clear my notifications when I saw them. Also writing them out helped me to learn them more.

Another thing I do is Post Sticky Notes on my mirror . When I’m getting ready I can read them every morning . I only have them in my room currently but plan to put them in my bathroom too. ( my roomate will live 😂).

I encourage you to find what ways work best for you to get your word daily. Share your ideas with Me !

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