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I was at work one day trying to make a master key, which required me to go to each door and program them to the key. I ran into a problem with two doors and couldn't finish making the keys. It all started off with the door to room 224. I discovered that the door was not paired with the device I had to use to program the door to the key, so I wasn't able to program it. I tried to figure out how to pair the device to the door, I read the help section in the manual but still couldn't figure it out. So I had to call the expert! He told me exact instructions and I was so happy because I felt hopeful that it would work this time. I tried it and it didn't work! Frustrated, I left the door propped open and put the room in repair in our system. About a week went by and I still didn't revisit the door problem.

I didn't want to call the expert again, I wanted to figure it out on my own. When I finally decided to try it again I discovered the door to room 102 wasn't pairing with the device. I told my boss who had less knowledge than me about making keys. She told me that she thought it might be the batteries in the door and that she would change them. After changing the batteries the door still didn't work. So my boss just called the expert and he decided to send two of his trainees to come help. They figured out the problem with room 102 but couldn't help me with room 224 because I didn't have the pairing device charged and ready! So they gave me the same instructions the expert gave me, but I realized I missed a step so I had to try it for my self again. After trying again, it still didn't work. So I ended up calling the expert again and he told me he would send the trainees back. They came back and I still didn't have the device charged but they waited for it to charge.When the device was ready they figured out that the door needed to be reprogrammed! After reprogramming I was able to make the master key.

How many situations do you get frustrated with and leave alone? Just like that room 224 door I propped open. It will not work out if you don't take the situation to God and go directly to the expert. I kept struggling with the door because I wanted to figure it out on my own instead of calling the expert. How many times do you not call on the Lord to help you overcome or fix a situation? You have to constantly call on Him so that he can reprogram your mind and perspective so that it aligns with his word. Sometimes God will send an angel or place someone in your life to help you, but you're not listening or ready to receive it. Just like when the expert sent his trainees I was not ready for them to come and help me. I want to encourage you today to give your problems to the lord and let him reprogram you. "Give all your worries and cares to God for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

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