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That's Why he's your Ex

As I was cleaning out my old things in the storage room, I stumbled across a canvas and scrapbook I made. The canvas spelled out my Ex's name! It was a canvas I painted for him during valentines day. We did a painting for each other to celebrate the day. The scrapbook was filled with pictures of us! I made him this for our 5 year anniversary. I was so shocked that I still had it. I started to look through the book and reminisce. God stopped me and reminded me of why we needed to break up.I was so heartbroken when we broke up and I did not think I would get over it! But, God revealed to me that I needed to break up with him because I was Idolizing him and our relationship. " You shall not have any gods before me. Exodus 20:3" I didn't look at it like that at the time but if you put anything before God whatever that is , whether it's money, sex, or a job, you are making it your god! I was so in love with him and the idea of us getting married! When I went through anything the first person I called was him. I wanted him to make me happy again. I wasn't praying or seeking God. So that relationship had to end! We couldn't even get back together because he got a girlfriend right after ! God knew he had to get a girlfriend for me to walk away completely because we broke up before and got right back at it. We've been broken up for 2 years now!

Are you admiring something so much that your not giving God your all?

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