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Updated: Sep 18, 2020

If you are a born-again believer and have been trying to be obedient to God and walk righteously, there will be some things you experience that you wish you never had. As you take a moment and sit back and reflect on your life, I‘m sure there will be things you are proud of, and things you’re not so proud of. Times you wish you could go back and change what happened. Even if you learned a lesson from it, you wish that you never had to go through that situation in the first place.

Now, if you think of an object being behind a translucent or transparent piece of glass, maybe it’s too far and you can’t see it. But as you bring it closer and closer, it starts to become visible. More and more light can shine through the glass and expose the object. Like this object, the situations or experiences that you’ve been through have been used to expose the condition of your heart. God wants to shine a light on your situations so that they are exposed and so you can see where you truly are. He wants you to be transparent so that after everything is exposed, all thats left is him. “Everything exposed by light becomes visible — and anything everything that is illuminated becomes light.” (Ephesians 5:13) That object that’s hidden behind the glass, imagine it as your heart. As you get closer to God, your heart becomes more and more exposed. Finally, you are able to be a light in this world because your heart is so exposed that it begins to align with God’s heart. The scripture says, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” (John 12:46) This means that God wants us to come out of the darkness and grow closer to him!

I want to encourage you to continue to allow God to expose things in you as you get closer to him so that you can be a light for this world!

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