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The Process

Today Completes the first full week of my Daniel Fast. For those of you who don't know what a fast is it's when you " abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observation (" A Daniel fast is described in the book of Daniel in the BIBLE. " At that time, I Daniel, Mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food, no meat or wine touched my lips, and I used no lotions at all until three weeks were over. Daniel 10: 2-3" So for three full weeks,( 21 whole days) I will not be eating:

  1. No meat

  2. No dairy

  3. No sweets

  4. No bread with yeast

  5. No drinks besides water

The reason why I'm doing the fast is because God dropped it in my spirit. The process I'm going through right now is bringing me closer to God. I am letting Go of the things My flesh wants to eat and spending time feeding my spirit." Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4" The reason he lead me to the Daniel fast is because I needed to hear his voice and I needed guidance. The reason why the scripture in Daniel 10 starts off with At the time is because Daniel was explaining that during this three week period ( of fasting), He received revelation from God. Which is exactly what I'm aiming for currently. Someone asked me " How much weight you think you gone lose during it?" I responded, I really haven't thought about it. This is all spiritual I'm not doing this to lose weight at all. So check back to see more post about what's happening during this time and what God is showing me!

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