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Are you resting?

So much to do so little time. I’ve found myself saying this so many times. I would plan out my days and when I didn’t have enough time to do everything, I felt like it wasn’t a productive day. I eventually learned that It’s okay to have to do list, plans, and all that but guess what ? Ya girl is tired !!! I currently work two part time jobs, participate at a local church, and still want to find time to workout, blog, record videos, and spend time with God.

I literally had to take a moment! I stopped recording videos for a few weeks, I haven’t blogged, binged watch a Netflix series, and slept! It’s okay to take a moment! Whatever that may look like for you. I know that if you have kids, are married, and have a career it can be even harder to take your rest but never neglect the time for yourself. Even God had to rest! After he created this world he took a rest. So what makes you think He doesn’t want you to rest ?

I came to this realization after I became mentally, spritually, and physically exhausted. At that point, I had no choice but to rest and that’s when I made the decision to just to take some time to rest. Now I don’t mean I literally took a moment because while I don’t have children or a husband I can take the rest that is necessary for me to be energized enough to get back to checking things off my list. I’m only 23 with no kids and I’m single so this is the perfect time for God to show me how important resting really is before marriage and kids.

The amount of rest and how long you rest depends on your situation. Have you been neglecting your rest ? If so for how long ? Take a moment to ask your self these questions and see where you can fit sometime in for yourself. You need it to recoup so that you can go out and be the person God called you to be.

Taking your rest is apart of self care ! I’m all for it because you need it! Here a few tips to help you:

1. Plan your self care day

2. Don’t make any plans with people

3. Choose things to do that don‘t require you to do much so that your over extend yourself on your rest day.

4. Put your phone on DND

5. Spend time reading your Bible and laying before the Lord

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