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How do you know when someone is supposed to be in your life? When dating, do you look for someone who is just like you or are you searching for the opposite of yourself? For most of us after so long of not being treated the way you want in a romantic relationship, we can clearly identify that we are with the wrong person. This revelation is more difficult to notice when you are dealing with friendships or a family member. The bible tells us not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. I believe this concept applies not just to a significant other we plan to marry; I believe this extends to whomever we intend to spend a prolonged amount of time with.

Bad company corrupts good behavior. If every conversation becomes a topic of contention then this would not be a good combination. If every disagreement becomes combative and more about being right versus seeking to understand; this would not be a good combination. For me I find it easier to let my friends/non-believers think what they want. It takes a lot of energy to convince someone of something if they are not open to it. I prefer to spend my time on people with an open heart. You don’t want to build friendships with people who you always have to lift up and hold accountable but they are unable to do the same for you.

So ask yourself. Are you living up to your potential? Think really hard about this. Possibly you are not reaching your goals because you are being held down by the company you keep. You want to be around those who uplift and support you spiritually and emotionally. Someone who will champion your efforts as if it were their own. Someone to tell you “Friend, if you feel like your dreams are reachable, then you’re not dreaming big enough.” In today’s society we call that matching energy. However, for the sake of this article I will call it…successfully yoked. I encourage you today to get successfully yoked in every aspect of your life.

-Anonymously yours ❤

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