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Let me tell you a story of a bright idea I had about a week ago. I had a candle on my dresser and I ended up knocking it on the ground. The glass shattered across the floor, but it wasn’t completely broken. I thought to myself I can save my candle. It smelled so good and I only used it a few times. So I decided to break the rest of the glass to get through to the candle. I took it outside grabbed the hammer and broke the candle free from the container. I pulled the candle out and was excited because now I could put the candle in a new container and keep using it!

Have you ever had a breakup? Whether romantic or not you go through stages of being upset, hurt, and then content. Sometimes you just never let it go if it really hurt you, like me trying to hold onto a half broken candle. Picture the broken candle I told you about. I was upset about breaking the candle but then I took the hammer and broke it down to use it still. So you might be wondering what’s my point right ? Well you see, sometimes it takes a break up for you to realize your potential. Just like I had to break the candle to see that I actually needed to just through it away and get a new one. When you end a friendship, romantic relationship, professional relationship or any relationship; you may have ended it because you started to realize that it‘s hindering you or it isn’t working anymore. Or maybe you had no control and they ended things but whatever the reason that you broke It off, it’s not an easy thing to deal with no matter what!

Even though you experience hurt and pain there is a breakthrough coming. Everything that you experience during your breakup will prepare you for the breakthrough. I had to use the hammer to break the glass container but I was able to get to the candle in the inside. Once I got to the candle I realized the new container I thought to put it in was too small so I ended up throwing the candle away and getting a new one. I realized that after all that work I did that I just simply needed to buy a new candle. When your going through the pain or hurt of a breakup remember the candle story. There is a breakthrough on the other side of your breakup. There is revelation on the other side of your breakup. There is growth on the other side of your breakup. There is promise and purpose on the other side of breakup! So don’t look at a breakup as just the painful process it is. Think about the new sweet smelling candle I got after breaking my old one and remind yourself that there is a breakthrough coming !

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