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Dry-Erase Identity

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

At my job, we have a dry erase board where we ask guests to write any comments they have about our facility. The board was filled with comments about what they thought, and eventually it became so full that there was no space for any new comments. My boss asked me to erase all the old comments so that the board would be clear for new ones. As I started to erase the comments, I noticed that I struggled to erase some while others came off more easily.

Picture the comment board as your mind. On it, people place their ideas of what and who they think you are and who you should be. You start to take on that identity and those perceptions sit with you just like the comments on my jobs boards. You even try to erase some of the perceptions they have of you, but it’s difficult not to believe some of these perceptions and you feel like you can‘t get rid of them. I want you to know that I scrubbed that board and it came clean. It may take work and repetition for you to get rid of the identity people have created for you but those thoughts will be silenced when you allow God to erase them.

Erase the identity that people have written in your mind and take on your true identity. You are who God says you are! Not what people told you or put in your mind about who you are! You are made in his image!

Don’t let what people say or their comments and ideas about who you are let you forget who God says you are. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalms 139: 14) If you’re struggling with figuring out who you really are I want to encourage you to find out what God says about you and let him write your identity.

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