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Updated: Sep 18, 2020

Today, I moved out of the apartment I lived in while in college. It was bitter sweet! Its the end of a chapter and on to the next chapter of my life. As I packed my little hatch back car I named Becky, I started to drive past the campus and it hit me that the college experience is over for me. It didn't feel real to me that I actually was done until I saw that room completely empty. I enjoyed undergrad but it took a lot of motivation! I'm so thankful to God for getting me through those Not 4 but 5 years! I really found myself during that time. I thought I had myself pretty figured out, but I was being challenged mentally and spiritually during those years and I did not expect that! No one tells you that your going to be stressed, depressed, and tired in college. People just tell you to get an education. " Consider it pure joy when you face trails of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3" This is the scripture that really helped me make it till the end. I literally made it my log in password to my student account. Now, I am thankful for all the experiences! No matter how hard something gets i'm not quitting!


God knows what we need to mold us and prepare us for the next season. If your going through something right now, Please know that God has a plan and reason for everything. I want to encourage you to seek him to see what his plan is for you.

The thing is you have to allow him to step in and help you.

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