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Managing Gods Money

Money, Money ,Money! Let’s talk about Money! Have you ever set back and thought about how money is the very thing that can determine how you live your life on this planet. You can go from having money to having nothing in a week. It all depends on how you choose to spend your money. I came to realize that I’ve never been really bad with money but I would spend so much money on food, clothes, and things I didn’t really need. In order for me to learn how to spend my money correctly, God started showing me how to not just spend on meaningless things.

Recently I got paid and as soon as I got paid, I started to make plans for my money! Before I even got paid I made plans for my money! So I went to the store and the first thing I purchased were things for my purpose. Then I went into a clothing store to buy clothes and I got up to the register and my card didn‘t work. They told me that it said my card had an invalid expiration date. I was so confused because I had just used it to purchase something in the other store! Then I began to think this must be a sign I don’t need this stuff. I thought it couldn‘t be a coincidence that I was able to buy things for my purpose and not for myself. I ended up calling the bank and they told me I had to activate my new card they sent in the mail. I couldn’t do it right away because I didn‘t have the card with me, so no spending for me. I laughed as I thought God is so funny but intentional !

The next morning I really wanted Starbucks but I still didn’t have my card. My friend was with me so I asked if I could Venmo her the money and she said yes. We got up to the payment window and the lady explained that the person ahead of us paid for our food ! I was so shocked ! I thought wow God your really showing out! We ended up paying for the people behind us food because I thought why not ? We already were planning to spend the money anyway and it was less than our total. Later that week I kept spending and realized that I had not given my tithes! I was preaching all week that I’m gonna honor God with my money and that God blesses you to bless others but, here I was buying away! I felt horrible but God taught me a valuable lesson.

The last few weeks I had been praying that God helps me to allocate my funds correctly. I wanted God to be over every area of my life especially because I was walking in my purpose.As I began to spend money on items that benefited my purpose, I realized that this is his money and God blesses you so you can bless others. I made a decision to consult with God about the things I wanted to purchase.I asked that he help me and guide me to show me how to have stewardship over his money. God answered my prayers! With everything I experienced this week with money I learned that I still wasn’t doing things God’s way. The Bible says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then he will fill your barns with grain, and your bats will overflow with good wine. (Proverbs 3:9)”. So as long as I’m giving to God First then I will be honoring God with my finances.

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