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Updated: Aug 18, 2020

Last week I went to get my oil changed, and after leaving the shop I discovered that my AC was no longer working. The air would blow out but it wasn’t getting cold at all. I called back up to the shop and they told me that my AC may need to be recharged! I had never even heard of that before, but in order for my air to work again I had to recharge it. I was frustrated with the whole situation because I couldn’t take it back to that shop since they don’t do recharges on foreign cars. After learning that I couldn’t take it back there, I started to stress about it and get overwhelmed because I couldn’t find a place. I just wished that my air never stopped working in the first place ! After failing to find a place in the time I had I began to realize that I was the one who needed to be recharged! I had started to worry and found myself stressing not just about my car but other things as well. So I just began to pray and vent to God about everything. I had to read scriptures to remind myself of the peace God has given and about how he doesn’t want us to worry. Afterwards, I no longer felt stressed and I started to see how everything would workout! Sometimes you have to recharge! You run into a problem and then become worried and it causes you to blow out hot air just like my AC! In order for you to cool down, you have to recharge! The scripture says, “Worry weighs a person down, but a good word cheers them up (Proverbs 12:25)” Recharge by filling your mind up with his word! Remind yourself of what he wants for you.

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