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Sorry Not Sorry!

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

I always had long hair and it was my pride and joy. I started to embrace my natural curls and I would spend hours styling my hair and hundreds on hair products. Recently I cut my hair! As I grabbed the scissors, I started to cry because I felt the release of me letting go of the old identity. I was letting go of what I thought defined me as a person. The next morning I could not believe that I actually did it. I started to regret it and wanted to wear a hat all day. But then I thought to myself , it’s already done ! So I started to walk around with my new haircut and embrace it. Initially I didn’t want to walk around with a new haircut because people always knew me as someone with long curly hair.A lot of people told me they loved it but I had a fear that I would have to explain to people why I chose to cut my hair.

As you move about your life there will always be decisions you have to make. Some big some small, but you have a choice. As I have been growing closer to God and embarking on a spiritual growth journey, I realized that since my mindset was being changed to align with God’s, my decisions were no longer based on what me or anyone else thought. A lot of the decisions I have made over the past 2 years have been following the plan that God has for me and I quickly realized that not everyone will understand, including me!

Even though I don’t understand why God wants me to make certain decisions I just have to make sure I’m letting God guide me ever step of the way. The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)” Choosing to trust Him is a conscious decision that I have to make daily. Even though I choose to base the decisions in my life off what God wants that doesn’t mean everyone in this world makes that same choice.So people may not understand or agree with the way you live your life.

Even if you aren’t basing your decisions off of what God says people still won’t agree with you always. So because of this I found myself always trying to apologize for decisions I made or the things that I said. God dealt with me on this because I have no reason to be sorry if I’m walking with him then I need to be firm in my decision because he is a firm foundation. It seemed as if as I started to walk with God, more people would question my morals, values and decisions. I would second-guess myself and say sorry if I offended someone but I realize that speaking the truth sometimes may hurt. Walking with Christ causes you to shine a light in this dark world and It may expose things in peoples hearts that doesn’t align with his will.

I’m not saying that you should never say sorry but if you are making decisions that come straight from God and are in His word then don’t be sorry. I believe God led me to cut my hair because he wanted me to focus on what really matters which was what is in the inside. He wanted me to not keep defining myself by my hair. He wanted me to stop spending so much money and time on my hair and focus on growing spiritually. The Bible says, “Walk by faith and not by Sight.( 2 Corinthians 5:7)”So I will not be sorry for the decisions that God wants me to make. Sorry but not sorry for walking in faith.

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