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Updated: Sep 18, 2020

A couple days ago, I tried to use my headphones and discovered that one of the ear buds wasn’t working anymore. My headphones were already in bad shape, but I still used them anyway. They would cause me problems because they would flop everywhere when I would workout out and they would scratch my neck...But I still used them! I still continued to use them because I only could have one bud in at work anyway, but as I was working God showed me something. I always wait till something gets so bad before I replace it. I needed a new phone for so long because I only could use my headphones to talk on the phone and I just recently got a new phone after keeping a broken one for months. And it wasn't that I couldn't get a new phone or headphones but I felt like it wasn't necessary and I put it off. It wasn't even with tangible things that I would hold onto until I couldn't anymore, it was with intangible things as well. I would stay in relationships, friendships, and countless other situations until I had no choice but to walk away and change my circumstance.

How bad does something have to get before you leave the old and upgrade? Sure if it still works okay you just keep using it, but God wants you to upgrade! It's necessary for the next level God is taking you to, so don't put it off. Your old ways and methods can't work anymore. You can't keep using the same behavior to resolve a situation. You can't keep having little faith. You can't keep being in that relationship. I want to encourage you to take some time and reflect, is there anything you’re holding on to because it seems to be working?

P.S. I'm getting new headphones.

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